One thing happened a couple of weeks ago at a wedding that made me very happy.
It's this picture of 3 kids running downstairs to open the car door for the groom.
From what i observed, these three are the bride's nephews and grand-nephews and she dotes on them very much.
this particular picture was shot on our way down, everything happened very fast as I had to run to catch up with them. one of the younger ones had his shoe slipped off his foot. objectively, it is an ok picture that shows the innocence, and "clumsiness" of children. however, when i showed it to the bride, she practically cracked up and laughed out loudly. "He's so cute!" that's what i remembered her saying.
actually, was i surprised by her reaction? well, no, really. but her more than zealous reaction encouraged me. it just reinforced my conviction that every wedding is different, and i have to shoot each wedding as unique as i can, and i can only do that when i have a certain level of understanding of the mechanics inside the couple's family and social circle, through sheer observation.
a picture might mean nothing to person A, but if it means something to the bride/groom, it means the whole world to me.