Just returned from a 2-and-a-half-day workshop conducted by a world-class wedding photographer based in US (see www.josevillaphoto.com). He actually flew 18 hours to this tiny island and conducted this workshop to a select group of wedding photographers who are serious about taking their business to the next level.
Even though his style of shooting is different from mine, that doesn't stop me from being able to learn from him the business side of wedding photography.
More importantly, I finally got to meet some of the finest wedding photographers in Singapore through the workshop. The networking and the sharing sessions certainly are worth the ticket prices alone.I sincerely hope this community can grow and progress on a platform that is competitive but not combative, and at the same time to mature with the vision of promoting wedding photography in Singapore.
This is all made possible courtesy of the Wedding Photographers Network (www.wpn.sg) and thanks to Gilbert, Eadwine, Kate, Kuang, Eng Hong, Gary, Aloycius, Lawrence, Gabriel, Wan Sheng, & Jose Pang for the wonderful sharing. Looking forward for more.
here are some of the shootout pictures I did at Changi beach for the workshop. It's interesting to have a group of us shooting the same subjects and marvel at the various angles that other photographers captured. The difference in style and vision become quite apparent.