Thursday, March 06, 2008

Weekday Warriors

Suddenly, weekday football sessions seem to be happening everywhere.
Sometimes, I lament the lack of playing time on weekends due to wedding commitments, and how I wish I can at least play a game or two on weekdays.

After prolonged periods of inactivity, the body feels flabby, lethargic and generally a sense of ill health. It's always good to have exercise on a regular basis.

Now, my prayer is answered because the weekday games come not once, but thrice.
I have my usual weekend kakis expanding their routine beyond just a weekend game, and another group who plays in an undisclosed location (sensitive info) and my fellow WPN photographers also getting into the act, with Kelvin and Yu Hsin taking the lead in organising games. So when I play will depend on which day I am appointment-free. It's a good problem to have, and I am now looking forward to each football session.

When my body feels (yes, feels, not is) fit, I have an extra vigour when it comes to shooting too. Anyway, here are some images taken in a February wedding.

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