Weddings are stressful, for the couples, for the vendors, and of course photographers included. Things are hardly perfect, and Murphy's Law is absolutely highly applicable when it comes to weddigs.
Remember I wrote in an earlier post that due to some miscommunication, I was available for 17 November? Well, Van is the bride who arrived in her shimmering white gown and saved me from obilivion. Lucky for her, I would have spent a queer Saturday afternoon at home when almost half the population are either getting married or attending weddings.
Van & Jeff had their short, sweet and emotional wedding ceremony on Saturday. Well, things didn't go as planned, and (like all weddings) things have a litte hiccups, but Van is one of the most jovial brides around. She brushed off the mishaps and simply enjoyed her big day to the fullest. I think that's how brides should be. Don't fuss the little things. Look at the big picture. Look at the wedding pictures, ha!

Notice the shoes. The right shoe has got a "strap" missing, after Van nearly tripped on something. But what the heck....

There was a miscommunication: the bride wasn't ready, the groom was still attending to a guest at the cocktail area, but the MC had already started playing a photo slideshow (meant as a surprise for Jeff). Afterwards, the bride still wasn't ready yet and there at the table sat the witnesses, JP and the groom, and an awkward silence descent upon the ballroom.... But what the heck!

All's well that ends well.