She is really maturing like little missy and boy is she a bossy lass.
Every time she wants to read a book, she would pull me away from my computer and barks:"Daddy! Sit down and read THIS!"
One evening when I sneaked out of the bedroom after lights out to finish up some work, and after she discovered that I wasn't in bed, she asked her mummy to look for me. After hauling me back to the bedroom, she didn't forget to chide me:"Naughty daddy!" That was the first time I realised she could relate my act of non-compliance to being a "naughty daddy".
One day at the playground, we saw some melted chocolate on the floor.
Yu Wen:"What's this?"
Me:" Melted chocolate...careful, don;t touch it."
Yu Wen:"What happened?"
Me:"Must be some kids who left the chocolate here."
Yu Wen:" Messy kids."
I tell you, I wouldn't want to rub the wrong side of her, man.