Thursday, February 21, 2008

Princess & The Clown

Today is "Yuan Xiao Jie" (the 15th day of Lunar New Year) and Yu Wen's school held a celebration for all the students. Each has to wear a traditional cultural outfit and bring traditional food to share with the rest of her friends and teachers.

She is really maturing like little missy and boy is she a bossy lass.

Every time she wants to read a book, she would pull me away from my computer and barks:"Daddy! Sit down and read THIS!"

One evening when I sneaked out of the bedroom after lights out to finish up some work, and after she discovered that I wasn't in bed, she asked her mummy to look for me. After hauling me back to the bedroom, she didn't forget to chide me:"Naughty daddy!" That was the first time I realised she could relate my act of non-compliance to being a "naughty daddy".

One day at the playground, we saw some melted chocolate on the floor.
Yu Wen:"What's this?"
Me:" Melted chocolate...careful, don;t touch it."
Yu Wen:"What happened?"
Me:"Must be some kids who left the chocolate here."
Yu Wen:" Messy kids."

I tell you, I wouldn't want to rub the wrong side of her, man.


Unknown said...

Wow, love these pics of Yuwen! Esp the last one... there's something gentle and poignant about moment between little girl and cat.

U're really the master of capturing the emotion in fleeting moments! And Yuwen is so photogenic, she's a natural model! :P

Anonymous said...

Little girls rule in my household too!

KC_Wong said...

animann: thanks. I'm not sure if she's photogenic or not, but in my partial eyes, even her ugliest photo looks cute to me.

hopefully, you and henry will get one for yourselves soon. :)

KC_Wong said...

yuhsin: For me, worse! Big one and small one are queen and princess respectively.