There has been so much bad news on the economic front that I have been very engrossed with the recent news of more hardship, bankruptcy, credit defaults and a possible first post-war depression.
I was an economics major back in university (not a good student, though), and I have maintained my interest in this discipline even though I am not in the line. These things about deflation, Keynesian fiscal expansion, increasing money supply, corporate bailouts and the consequences. These are all jumping right out of textbooks and coming alive! How I wish I am back in school now. The lectures and tutorials will be so much more interesting!
Well, not that I am not sympathetic towards the current turmoil, but we are indeed living in exciting times; to be able to witness a perfect economic storm brewing in the horizon.
But, at least, the silver lining behind the dark clouds is that people are at least still engaging photographers to capture their precious moments, recession or no recession.
Recently, I just had the pleasure to document little Ann-Shae's 2nd birthday party at Ritz-Carlton. It was fun because her parents were old time clients who got married back in the days when Alkaff Mansion was still in business (that's where they got married). A reminder I am getting I really have to shoot a clients' 30th wedding anniversary before reality truly hits?