Wednesday, August 06, 2008

When I am not shooting weddings....

Another old client, another children's party. I shot both Ailin's and her elder sister Georgia's wedding many years ago, when I was still a part-timer. These are the people who put their trust in me, and kickstarted my wedding career.

Now, they are proud mothers of three (Georgia has twins) and at the rate this goes (assuming one birthday party per child), I can very soon branch out to cover children's birthday party and do away with weddings! And then I need to convince the parents to have pre-weaning photography, post-nappy photography, 1st tooth photography, and pre-schooling-but-post-potty-trained photography....etc. Wow, am I not a marketing genius?

Have more babies, Singaporeans!


Unknown said...

great shots kc...the moods are so captured as usual in your journalistic stye.

Anonymous said...

Look at all those cutie pies! Love the b&w photography.

KC_Wong said...

Thanks. I love to shoot children. The unsuspected always happens, and that keeps me on my toes. Kind of like shooting a spot news event, that's why the adrenalin is sky high!